Public Entities
Experts in your industry

Our team of specialists draws on their expertise in your industry to develop the best solutions and optimize your cost of risk. Teams of eight to ten specialists focus on one particular industry and understand the sector-specific risks. In addition to a familiarity with the specifics of the various industries and sectors, they are experts on the individual risk themes. Our leading position in the market enables us to achieve the best results for you and to actively support you in the event of a claim - as Swiss partner of Marsh worldwide.


Client sectors


We advise public-sector organizations (cantons, municipalities, etc.) and companies.

Companies operating in the public sector often have to contend with budget restrictions and get by with limited financial resources, which can make it difficult to implement projects and provide services. Regulation is constantly increasing, and transactions are becoming ever more complex. Public entities have to ensure that all statutory requirements are met, which can inflate both costs and workloads. Increasing digitalization poses a challenge for public entities, and necessitates investment in a modern IT infrastructure. However, this also represents an opportunity to make administrative processes more efficient for citizens.

The shortage of qualified personnel is also an issue in the public sector, particularly in the fields of digital technology and project management.

We are familiar with the particular challenges of tender law, and we are happy to support you with our experience when it comes to mergers between companies and municipalities as well.

Talk to us about your concerns

Are you interested in a collaboration or do you have any questions? Your contact persons look forward to hearing from you.

Christoph Meyer

Head Business Unit Public Entities, Energy & Transport


Marsh Network