Personal Insurance
Experts when it comes to your risks

Personal insurance provides cover for financial losses in the event of illness, accident or death. It includes daily sickness benefits insurance (which covers the loss of earnings if an individual is unable to work due to illness and/or maternity leave), compulsory accident insurance (which covers the risks of occupational accidents, non-occupational accidents and occupational illnesses) and supplementary accident insurance (which fills the gaps and adds to the cover provided by compulsory accident insurance).




  • Daily sickness benefits insurance covers the loss of earnings if an individual is unable to work due to illness and/or maternity leave.
  • Compulsory accident insurance covers the risks of occupational accidents, non-occupational accidents and occupational illnesses.
  • Supplementary accident insurance closes gaps and removes any restrictions that apply under the compulsory accident insurance (Swiss Accident Insurance Act (UVG)).

Insurance cover is provided in the event of illness and accidents, with various social and private insurance schemes liable to pay benefits in such cases. The statutory obligation regarding the continued payment of employee salaries can be replaced by daily sickness benefits insurance. Statutory benefits in accordance with the Swiss Accident Insurance Act (AIA) are provided under compulsory accident insurance. Supplementary accident insurance fills the gaps in compulsory accident insurance cover and offers additional benefits such as hospital and capital cover, as well as surplus pay benefits. The range of personal insurance products on offer also includes business travel insurance and visitor accident insurance. The scope of cover varies depending on the company and industry. Collective health and employee insurance schemes are popular as fringe benefits.


Our team of over 40 specialists is on hand to help you rise to the challenges you face. Der Markt der Personenversicherungen ist sehr anspruchsvoll – besonders beim Krankentaggeld. Mit weiter steigenden Prämien und einer wachsenden Marktkonzentration sind alternative Lösungsansätze zu prüfen. In the interest of holistic absence management, we will also advise you on alternative insurance solutions. Dank interner themenübergreifender Zusammenarbeit, u. a. mit unserem HR Risk Management Team, beleuchten wir sämtliche Aspekte und finden die für Sie beste Lösung.

Read more in the article "Kampf gegen Fachkräftemangel" in the Handelszeitung's Risk Management Special.

Kampf gegen Fachkräftemangel


When it comes to absence management, we work closely with our HR Risk Management specialists to offer you the best possible solutions.

Our services in the area of absence management


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Tom Roggo

Practice Leader Personal Insurance


Beatrix Bock

Client Executive and Social Insurance Expert


Marsh Network