Cyber risks
A global risk

Cyber risks are among the top three types of risks that most companies face. At the same time, experience has shown that no company is safe from cyber attacks, be it a hospital, manufacturer or public institution. Cyber incidents have the potential to cause huge damage wherever they occur, so it is essential to have a well-thought-out strategy for dealing with cyber risks to prepare for the worst.


Insurance Broking


Demand for cyber insurance solutions remains high. Despite experiencing some turbulence in its early years, cyber insurance has become established in the world of insurance. Insurers have overcome a steep learning curve in recent years, and are now much better at distinguishing good risks from bad ones. At the same time, companies are still prioritizing investment in IT security, and the cyber insurance market is more balanced on the whole as a result. Against this backdrop, we have successfully developed a cyber blue line solution for SME clients that is characterized by a simplified process for taking out insurance. We assist large clients with complex risks who do not qualify for our blue line facility as part of an extensive invitation to tender process. The advice begins with the initial consultation with our specialists regarding general insurance requirements. We use a web-based tool to collect the risk information and generate benchmarks for you.

Ransomware attacks and the impacts they have remain the principal risk in this area. Thanks to lessons learned from the regulation of cyber incidents, the insurance market is actively contributing to the discussion on IT security. These lessons are being incorporated into the development of insurance solutions so we can offer better cover and adequate protection to all sizes of clients.


Our expert team of approximately ten specialists can offer you advice and support with any questions you may have relating to the risks of and insurance against cyber attacks.

In our annual Cyber Message publication, we provide information on current developments in the field of cyber insurance.

Cyber Message

Talk to us about your concerns

Are you interested in a collaboration or do you have any questions? Your contact persons look forward to hearing from you.

René Fernandez

Head of Business Unit Special Risks, Practice Leader Cyber & Crime


Simon Künzler

Head Risk Consulting


Marsh Network